Jared Cannons

Jared Cannons

Health and Nutrition Coach

Ko Mākeo te maunga e rū nei taku ngākau

Ko Waiaua te awa e mahea nei aku māharahara

Nō Ōpōtiki ahau

Kei Tāmaki Makaurau ahau e noho ana

Ko Jared Cannons tōku ingoa

E mahi ana au hei Hauora Whakaako

Ki Turuki Healthcare

Nō reira, tēnā koutou katoa

My mission is to work with whānau in their community to take back control of their health & wellbeing & to learn to live a balanced sustainable lifestyle.

I enjoy teaching whānau how to make kai their medicine, as a Health Coach, my goal is to support whānau to confidently navigate their Hauora journey whether that be pre-diabetes, type 2 diabetes, exercise, sleep, weight loss & mental well-being. 

As a father of 3 tamariki I strive to be the best I can be in hopes to inspire others to do the same.

Me mahi tahi tatou mo te oranga o te katoa

“We should work together for the wellbeing of everyone”